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  • 2024-03-08: Init for Debian 12.5

Documenting a secure-ish installation of Debian, with partial references to the Debian security manual.

During installation, note the initial IP address (ip a) and available network services (lsof -nPi). Typically should only have DHCP (86/udp) and SSH (22/tcp) after installation.

Typical binaries


Very straightforward.

PermitRootLogin no
user:~$ touch .hushlogin
user:~$ su -
root:~# apt install vim ufw nginx htop
root:~# ufw allow 22/tcp
root:~# ufw allow 80/tcp
root:~# ufw allow 443/tcp
root:~# ufw deny to
root:~# ufw enable
root:~# >/etc/motd

For LXCs

apt update && apt upgrade
apt install -y curl vim htop