Table of Contents


The amount of useful stuff you can do with this is amazing. Ought to document some of them in a separate document here.

ssh -J ...


Tunneling stuff:

AllowTcpForwarding yes should be enabled to forward TCP connections. Don't forget to restart the sshd service to allow changes to /etc/ssh/sshd_config to be reflected.


Create a flowchart to setting up useful remote work stuff, e.g. VNC / port forwarding, etc.

Set directory to cd into via SSH config file, instead of as a command line option:

Host {{NAME}}
    HostName {{TARGET}}
    User {{USER}}
    IdentitiesOnly yes
    IdentityFile {{KEYFILE}}
    # Jump/bastion host
    ProxyJump {{PROXY_TARGET}}
    # Request for output if input is a terminal
    RequestTTY yes
    RemoteCommand cd {{DESTINATION}} && exec bash --login

Restricting access to SSH-based key logins:

Restricted shells are not a popular method, because of the difficulties in locking down the shell to prevent full shell access. Some examples of restricted shells and associated vulnerabilities:



sshuttle is my new favorite toy, that solves the problem of redirecting traffic without a need for remote configuration. Typical use case for me includes accessing network resources restricted only to network addresses.

user:~$ sshuttle --dns -NHr <USER>@<IP_ADDR>
user:~$ pkill sshuttle

See this for a guide on configuring it as a service, and performing multi-hops (>1 jump servers).

Plain SSH

# For SSH tunneling control
        ssh -S lightstick.ctl -TO check alice
        ssh -MS lightstick.ctl -fNT -L 445: alice
        ssh -S lightstick.ctl -TO exit alice

DNS integration

If the DNS search domains are not set, one can still force a search domain with CanonicalizeHostname yes and CanonicalDomains [DOMAINS].