// @author windingwind, garth74
// @link https://github.com/windingwind/zotero-actions-tags/discussions/115
// @usage Select an item in the library and press the assigned shortcut keys
// @update Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:10:18 GMT (by new Date().toGMTString())
/** @type {string} Name of the field to use as the link text. To use the citation key, set this to "citationKey". */
let linkTextField = "title";
/** @type {'html' | 'md' | 'plain' | 'dokuwiki'} What type of link to create. */
let linkType = "dokuwiki";
/** @type {boolean} If true, make the link specific to the currently selected collection. */
let useColl = false;
/** @type {boolean} If true, use Better Notes zotero://note link when the selected item is a note. */
let useNoteLink = false;
/** @type {'select' | 'open-pdf' | 'auto'} Action of link*/
let linkAction = "auto"; // auto = open-pdf for PDFs and annotations, select for everything else
// For efficiency, only execute once for all selected items
if (item) return;
item = items[0];
if (!item && !collection) return "[Copy Zotero Link] item is empty";
if (collection) {
linkAction = "select";
useColl = true;
if (linkAction === "auto") {
if (item.isPDFAttachment() || item.isAnnotation()) {
linkAction = "open-pdf";
} else {
linkAction = "select";
const uriParts = [];
let uriParams = "";
let targetItem = item;
if (linkAction === "open-pdf") {
if (item.isRegularItem()) {
targetItem = (await item.getBestAttachments()).find((att) =>
} else if (item.isAnnotation()) {
targetItem = item.parentItem;
// If the item is an annotation, we want to open the PDF at the page of the annotation
let pageIndex = 1;
try {
pageIndex = JSON.parse(item.annotationPosition).pageIndex + 1;
} catch (e) {
uriParams = `?page=${pageIndex}&annotation=${item.key}`;
} else {
if (item?.isAnnotation()) {
targetItem = item.parentItem;
if (!targetItem && !collection) return "[Copy Zotero Link] item is invalid";
// Get the link text using the `link_text_field` argument
let linkText;
let _firstAuthor, _year, _authors, _title, _journal, _volume, _issue, _pages, _fullYear;
if (collection) {
// When `collection` is truthy, this script was triggered in the collection menu.
// Use collection name if this is a collection link
linkText = collection.name;
} else if (item.isAnnotation()) {
// Add the annotation text to the link text
linkText = `${targetItem.getField(linkTextField)}(${
item.annotationComment || item.annotationText || "annotation"
} else {
// Desired format:
// [Zhang15](([[zotero://select/library/items/2T8SAZ3T|Zhang, Pan, Light Sci Appl 4, e286-e286 (2015)]]: Advances in ...))
// Reference schema: https://github.com/zotero/zotero-schema/blob/master/schema.json
// Inspired by: https://github.com/windingwind/zotero-better-notes/discussions/225
_item = item // Parent items fall under here
if (item.isAttachment()) { // PDFs fall under here
// Try to use top-level item for link text
_item = Zotero.Items.getTopLevel([item])[0]
// Retrieve first and last authors
let _creators = _item.getCreators();
_firstAuthor = _creators[0].lastName; // assumed to exist
_year = _item.getField("year").slice(-2);
// Prepare full link text
_authors = _firstAuthor;
if (_creators.length > 1) {
_authors += ", " + _creators[_creators.length-1].lastName; // get last author
_title = _item.getField("title");
_journal = _item.getField("journalAbbreviation");
_volume = _item.getField("volume");
_issue = _item.getField("issue");
_pages = _item.getField("pages");
_fullYear = _item.getField("year");
linkText = _title;
// Add the library or group URI part (collection must go first)
let libraryType = (collection || item).library.libraryType;
if (libraryType === "user") {
} else {
`groups/${Zotero.Libraries.get((collection || item).libraryID).groupID}`
// If useColl, make the link collection specific
if (useColl) {
// see https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/73893/zotero-select-for-collections
let coll = collection || Zotero.getActiveZoteroPane().getSelectedCollection();
// It's possible that a collection isn't selected. When that's the case,
// this will fall back to the typical library behavior.
// If a collection is selected, add the collections URI part
if (!!coll) uriParts.push(`collections/${coll.key}`);
if (!collection) {
// Add the item URI part
// Join the parts together
let uri = uriParts.join("/");
// Add the URI parameters
if (uriParams) {
uri += uriParams;
if (useNoteLink && item?.isNote() && Zotero.BetterNotes) {
uri = Zotero.BetterNotes.api.convert.note2link(item);
// Format the link and copy it to the clipboard
const clipboard = new Zotero.ActionsTags.api.utils.ClipboardHelper();
if (linkType == "html") {
clipboard.addText(`<a href="${uri}">${linkText}</a>`, "text/unicode");
} else if (linkType == "dokuwiki") {
_fullText = "["+_firstAuthor+_year+"](([[zotero>"+uri+"|"
+ _authors + ", " + _journal + " " + _volume + "(" + _issue + "), " + _pages + " (" + _fullYear + ")]]: "+_title+"))";
// _fullText = "[[zotero>"+uri+"|["+_firstAuthor+_year+"] ]](("
// + _authors + ", " + _journal + " " + _volume + "(" + _issue + "), " + _pages + " (" + _fullYear + "): "+_title+"))";
clipboard.addText(_fullText, "text/unicode");
} else if (linkType == "md") {
clipboard.addText(`[${linkText}](${uri})`, "text/unicode");
} else {
clipboard.addText(uri, "text/unicode");
return `[Copy Zotero Link] link ${uri} copied.`;