Table of Contents


Home network instructions

Hopefully this would be a nice exhaustive list of things to do from ground up, in case my network goes bonkers.

Get a domain

Get a new domain from a domain registrar. Preferably one that has:

TODO: DNS zone transfer

See below for some self-musings last time, should probably update this for next time.

The journey to self-hosting

It all started with the Raspberry Pi 3 I bought myself back when university started around 2016/17, even while I didn't know heads and tails between an Arduino and Raspberry Pi. Four years later I'm barely starting my journey to self-hosting, and more to come.

While I am by no means a data hoarder, the amount of stuff I had gathered was enough to fill several hard drives of around 250 GB each. The fact that the files were scattered across drives made it hard to manage them, and the first instinct was to introduce a RAID system that created a larger logical volume. This eventually happened when I bought a QNAP NAS alongside four 4 TB hard drives in 2019 - RAID 0 for both storage and speed meant I now have 8 TB to play around with.

Eventually this became problematic - I had no backup solution in place, and data transfer and backup was always done over the cloud via Dropbox. The website I had was also hosted by the Apache web server on the NAS, which is tedious to handle. Picking up networking skills also took a little time.

Now, the horizon is a little visible, and soon came a massive influx of things to work on. I suppose I appreciate the work of sysadmins more now. There are a lot more architectures and self-hosting capabilities to learn about, now that I have begun my very own (modest) homelab.

Operating system

The very first non-Windows system I experimented with was Raspbian OS (for the Raspberry). Needless to say, my inexperience with the Linux operating system left me disappointed, and so did the lack of games and support for other commercial products (such as Microsoft Office).

I did have all the time I wanted to explore scripting - at first with Python, then batch scripting for start up scripts. A bit more familiarity with the command line (as a result of git and needing 'vim' for Linux-based systems) gave me the confidence to try out Linux systems again. Occasional dual booting / fresh installation with Ubuntu was a non-committal thing.

This is until I started toying with Linux tools in full force, especially during the computer network module I took in late 2020, and the use of OpenSUSE environments in the quantum optics lab + needing to do all the shenanigans to get QNAP to behave the way I want it to. Eventually migrated off QNAP to get my Raspberries up and running.

Choice of server OS

There were a couple of choices when it came to the host OS for servers.

  1. Ubuntu Server was often touted as beginner-friendly
  2. CentOS as the closest one can get to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) without sacrificing stability as in FedoraOS
  3. OpenSUSE Leap for being crusty and long-lived ("so they must be doing something right")

Thank goodness I didn't pay much attention to CentOS whose long-term support (LTS) started dissipating. OpenSUSE was a legitimate contender, especially given the use in the quantum optics lab and rock-solid stability, but three main factors raised a couple doubts:

  1. OpenSUSE runs on rpm / zypper for package management. I'm not too familiar with this package management and the stability / compatibility of packages with OpenSUSE.
  2. The desktop experience is considered stable, but I'm going to deploy a server with remote management (especially to reduce the overhead of the machine).
  3. Debian-based Ubuntu boasts a wider compatibility with different software.

So here we are: Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS.

Knowledge base

A good knowledge base is important to store records of progress as well as attempted solutions. This is specifically in contrast to todo lists that attempt to solve a very different time-sensitive problem (some systems like "Getting Things Done" (GTD) encourage integration and single-source-of-truth, but they are tedious to maintain).

My very first attempt at a knowledge base is in Evernote - whose development team previously known to be very resistant to user feedback, and the occasional data loss, incompatibility with other formats, and a more recent two-device restriction led me off it. In the meantime, I've been consolidating notes within my own file system.

The first online-based knowledge base was in the form of a website hosted on GitHub pages, but this had very severe limitations in terms of storing sensitive content and the ability to only serve static websites. I eventually shifted to a website-based one using Sphinx and scheduled build jobs with cron. Managed to pick up RestructuredText as a result. The problem however lay in editing the webpages (requiring access to the filesystem either via SFTP or WebDAV) and the latency between which changes are reflected on the website, but it was a good enough solution to consolidate information.

A migration to self-hosted Standard Notes from Evernote is a great step forward for secure knowledge retention, but sharing of note collections remain limited. There was no image storage functionality as well, and no extensions available for publishing to one's own webserver. There was also an impending knowledge glut that I constantly fretted over, since notes could no longer be interlinked, and notes had to be constantly pinned to get my attention.

Initial attempts to setup a MediaWiki on my QNAP NAS failed horribly, but the process was a lot easier using the Raspberry Pis. This was when I started seriously considering the use of wikis for knowledge management. Thus began the search for the right wiki software.

Choice of wiki

The decision to select a wiki software for personal knowledge management came to a few factors (ignoring those that are taken for granted such as owning your own content, otherwise Medium and Notion would be viable contenders too). The WikiMatrix is a good starting point for comparing between wiki softwares.

Wiki.js does have strong community support, considered stable by a couple of users (1~2 years) and looks pretty with a lot of exciting feature requests under review. It does share some disadvantages such as lack of concurrent editing support, no backlinking, and requires a full database which makes it more tedious to backup (though v2 of Wiki.js seems to have better migration support). Comments on Hacker News suggest that Wiki.js running on javascript is a non-ideal situation, but we'll see how it goes moving forward.

In the end, stability and software maturity are very important factors. While Wiki.js is the new kid around the block with beautiful features, the small quality of life performant features just aren't there, as well as the high number of bugs. The complexity of maintaining and customizing the wiki also significantly influences usability.

A good reminder that dated software does not mean bad software! The eventual migration to Dokuwiki proved effective.

Security best practices

Securing the server

Browsing practices

No amount of changes in software will be effective in increasing privacy if safe browsing practices are not followed. I have always been bothered by Facebook's intrusiveness and lack of commitment to their "I will never snoop on you" messages time and time again. Now even more recently, with Google's ability to read emails, background location tracking, etc. But the convenience comes at a cost.