Table of Contents

CS5332 Biometric Authentication

Week 13

Emerging biometrics



Week 12

Public holiday.

Week 11

Term paper project details

  • Deadline: 5 May 2024
  • 84 past case studies available.


4 notions of privacy, and the first three are impacted by biometrics:

Information privacy can be broken down into five sub-areas:

Different dimensions of privacy:


Identity is a social construct, for according rights and privileges to members of an organization, assigning roles and responsibilities, for accountability and establishing trust.


For interoperability of biometrics:

Week 10

Attacking biometrics

Other than the usual network-related attacks, the focus here is more on biometrics-related attacks:

Didn't attend the live lecture, so couldn't see the guest lecturer ahhhh.

Week 9

Face recognition

Human face recognition ability is extremely robust (~100% accurate and fast), but only for familiar faces - machines do better for unfamiliar faces. Babies are also born hard-wired for facial recognition, with the presence of a grandmother neuron in monkeys that triggers when seeing the face of another monkey.



Biometrics applications

Example: Citizen-facing applications, where individual uses biometrics as a citizen of a country for criminal identification, citizen identification, surveillance. Government is the deployer, and the system is usually large in scope, highly exclusive and mandatory.

Usecase Urgency Scope Receptiveness Exclusivity Effectiveness
Citizen identification 6 (identification with alternative tech like passports available) 9 7 9 8
Criminal identification 8 5 (only for criminals) 9 10 9
Surveillance (e.g. passive biometrics, voice) 8 8 7 10 4

Example: Employee-facing applications, where individual is an employee for PC/network access, physical access, attendance. Employer is the deployer, usually mandatory, smaller in scope, closed-world identification. Identity is already established via other processes.

Usecase Urgency Scope Receptiveness Exclusivity Effectiveness
PC/Network access 7 8 8 6 8
Physical access (replacing passwords, keys) 6 8 7 5 6

Example: Customer-facing for retail/ATM/POS, e-commerce/telephony. Organization providing service/product is deployer. Usually not mandatory, limited in scope to company.

Usecase Urgency Scope Receptiveness Exclusivity Effectiveness
Retail/ATM/POS 5 9 8 5 7
E-commerce/Telephony 8 9 9 6 7

Example: Non-security applications, e.g. video/photo indexing, customization of product/service, targeted advertising, entertainment. In the context of faster searching of large archives.

Week 8

Midterm exam.

Week 7


Three different impressions of fingerprints, which are friction ridges. There is also an additional category for miniature fingerprint sensors (e.g. on phones/laptops), that capture a partial print instead.


Some techniques to improve fingerprint images:


State-of-the-art template matchers as of 2018, using the NIST Fingerprint Vendor Fingerprint Technology Evaluation (FpVTE) dataset. Note that this is under ideal conditions of fingerprint capture, i.e. testing of algorithm alone - real-life deployment will increase the errors.




Biometrics strategy is to use near-IR to illuminate the iris, and using an IR camera to capture the image. Near-IR preferred because the wavelength will always be longer than any iris color, resulting in a bright illumination of the iris, even for dark brown irises.

Acquisition and challenges

Processing by first generation iris systems

Performance, evaluation and certification:

Week 6

Multilayer perceptron

Support Vector Machines

The sklearn page seems to be a pretty good resource. Because it is inherently a 2-class classifier, to extend to C classes:

Principal Component Analysis

Has altnerative names, e.g. Discrete Karhunen Loeve Transform, Hotelling Transform.

Week 5

Naive Bayes classifier

Bayesian statistics and using maximum a posteriori. Encapsulated in the equation below. Note that here this is for a single datapoint with D features (with the assumption that the features are statistically independent, to allow the reduction of the full likelihood into the product of likelihoods):

\begin{align*} w^* &= \text{argmax}_{w_j} P(w_j|x) \\ &\propto{} \text{argmax}_{w_j} P(x|w_j)P(w_j) \\ &= \text{argmax}_{w_j} P(w_j) \prod_{i=1}^D P(x_i |w_j) \end{align*}

Some key points:

KNN classifier

Here, all the training data needs to be stored for calculation of some distance metric with the new observation. Not an optimal classifier, but with enough training data:

$$$$ P(\text{error}_{KNN}) \le{} 2P(\text{error}_{Bayes}) $$$$

The accuracy of this classifier is sensitive to the distance metric used, and this classifier is easy to implement but cannot scale.

p-norm here:

$$$$ D_p (\mathbb{x}, \mathbb{y}) = \left(\sum_{i=1}^nw_i|x_i - y_i|^p\right)^{1/p} $$$$

Week 4

Basically motivation for classification, and the use of linear/nonlinear classifiers. A small note on decision boundaries, and the use of less correlated metrics for adding dimensionality for pattern recognition.

The concept of risk can be extended from the classification task, i.e. actions to be taken such as rejection (rather than performing classification). Then the overall risk is defined as:

\begin{align*} R &= \sum_{i=1}^a R(\alpha_i|x) \\ &= \sum_{i=1}^a \sum_{j=1}^C \lambda(\alpha_i|w_j)P(w_j|x) \end{align*}

where the latter step is applicable because there are C discrete classes. $$\lambda$$ is defined as the loss incurred for taking a particular action given the class. In an example with two actions:

Conditional risk:

\begin{align*} R(\alpha_1|x) = \lambda_{11} P(w_1|x) + \lambda_{12}P(w_2|x) \\ R(\alpha_1|x) = \lambda_{11} P(w_1|x) + \lambda_{12}P(w_2|x) \end{align*}

Decision rule:

\begin{align*} R(\alpha_1|x) &< R(\alpha_2|x) \\ (\lambda_{21}-\lambda_{11})P(x|w_1)P(w_1) &> (\lambda_{12}-\lambda_{22})P(x|w_2)P(w_2) \\ \frac{P(x|w_1)}{P(x|w_2)} &> \frac{\lambda_{12}-\lambda_{22}}{\lambda_{21}-\lambda_{11}} \cdot{} \frac{P(w_2)}{P(w_1)} \end{align*}

This derivation of the likelihood ratio makes the RHS independent of the input $$x$$.

To evaluate the accuracy of the classifier, we can perform N-fold cross validation. Procedure:

  1. Divide

Week 3

Above is a diagram representing a biometric system. Relatively straightforward: Biometric samples are obtained and preprocessed (for noise, distortions, etc.), then feature extraction is done and stored as a template.

Important errors:

Note the following syntactic sugar to represent "If score S > threshold, then accept, else reject":

A figure of merit is the expected cost of the system by assigning a cost to each FRR and FAR.

Errors for identification come in three types (again, adjustable based on threshold set):

Detection Error Tradeoff (DET) curve demonstrate the tradeoff between FNIR and FPIR. Interpretations of DET and regimes for different use cases of algorithms operating at different parts of DET:

State-of-the-art systems. Takeaways: (1) face recognition is much better than fingerprint,

Different technologies comparison from 1). No such thing as the best biometric:

Week 2

Basic linear algebra, plus fundamental subspaces (basis?) and null spaces.

  1. Col space: $$Col(A) = \{x: x = \lambda_i a_i \}$$
  2. Null space: $$Null(A) = \{x:Ax=0\}$$, i.e. the set of all vectors that represent the linear combination of column vectors that yield the zero vector.
    1. Dimensionality of null space $$Null(A)$$ = Number of columns in matrix $$A$$ - Number of independent columns in matrix $$A$$
  3. Row space: $$Row(A) = Col(A^T)$$
  4. Left nullspace: $$Null(A^T)$$

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors again:

  1. Eigenvalue equation, given the eigenvector matrix $$E$$: $$Ax_i = x_i\lambda_i \Rightarrow AE = E\Lambda$$
  2. Spectral theorem: If A is real and symmetric ($$A=A^T$$), then $$E$$ is orthogonal ($$E^TE = I$$) and $$\Lambda$$ is real.
    1. The main result is $$E^{-1} = E^T$$ since E is going to be an n-by-n matrix, the former is an O(n^3) operation.
    2. $$A = E\Lambda{}E^T$$
  3. Determinant $$det(A) \equiv |A|$$ is the product of eigenvalues.
  4. Trace $$Tr(A)$$ is the sum of diagonals (eigenvalues for eigenvalue matrix)

Bayes' Theorem: $$P(B|A) = \frac{P(A|B)P(B)}{P(A)}$$

Week 1

Module information



Different factors for authentication, in order to perform identification: something you have/know/are.

Two different roles for biometric authentication. The task of a biometric system is easily identified by the desired output, e.g. iPhone FaceID is a verification task (the claimed ID "owner of phone" is implicit).

  1. Identification: Who am I?
    • Biometrics -> Identity
  2. Verification: Am I who I claim to be?
    • Biometrics + claimed identity -> Accept/Reject

Neither is a trivial problem, and which is tougher to implement correct is an open research question. Note that each can be built based off the other, see below:

Building on top the other

Modalities of biometrics

Mainly categorized into two large groups:

  1. Physiological: Static properties, e.g. fingerprint, face, iris/retina, hand geometry, DNA
  2. Behavioral: Includes some temporal aspect, e.g. voice, gait, keystroke dynamics, written signatures

Other exotic physiological techniques: thermograms, earlobe shape, palm/finger vein, body odor, ear canal.

Based on minutiae (ridge discontinuities). Many different sensors available, including optical (bright/dark fringes), capacitance (treating air gap between skin and surface as a capacitor), pressure and ultrasound.
High accuracy (0.1% false negative, 1% false positive, FpVTE 2003), with large databases available and cheap sensors. Wear-and-tear in fingerprint + sensor hygiene concerns.
Jain, A. K. (28-30 April 2004), "Biometric recognition: how do I know who you are?", Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, 2004. Proceedings of the IEEE 12th: 3 - 5