This is very cool: JLCPCB state the progress of the manufacturing on the order page. Not relevant for me since my board is small and low volume, but still good to know.
Other than designing the circuitry and aligning to the PCB fab manufacturing rules, the footprint placement was ridiculously easy (from drawing the schematic from a reference design, to generating the gerber, done in about 4 hours?).
Tried to work on printing a PCB for an e-ink display I previously bought. The reference diagram, as well as a very horrible schematic attached below given by my lack of understanding of the circuitry:
Some notes:
and footprint .kicad_mod
once the library is created, which one can just drag and drop the footprints. These footprints will appear when assigning footprints.Once done, the footprints are transferred over to the PCB editor. A couple of notes:
How a PCB is layered can be seen in the 3D editor, from top to bottom:
There is probably automatic placing and routing, but I haven't figured that out yet. In the meantime, manual place and route is basically just an art, and it's like a mini-puzzle game to play.
Mostly informed by the electronic circuits that I have previously seen in my line of work, and some sensibilities, e.g. capacitors not too far, creating ground plane and using ground vias, grouping components together, creating margins for hand soldering.
Placed an order with JLCPCB for now, from a recommendation from a colleague. It has a nice quotation screen, and all one needs to do is submit the relevant gerber files:
Update: Turns out they require special instructions to print the PCB, found here. Summary:
Make sure to test with a different Gerber viewer to ensure no bugs appear. Gerbv is a fairly decent one:
Sidenote, I was browsing their website and found EasyEDA. It seems like JLCPCB has some relations to the EasyEDA development as well, so it seems pretty trusted! There's even an online DFM check tool.
Past experience was just pure schematic recreation using Eagle, and figured I should do this a little more properly this time. Following this cute little website as a hello world tutorial.
Creating a new hello world project! (on KiCAD 8.0)
UI stuff:
Some immediately useful shortcuts: