Table of Contents

QT5104 Topics in Quantum Information Theory

Week 2.1

Week 1.2 Linear algebra recap

Generally a recap of linear algebra basics.

Vector spaces

We denote a field $$F$$ (either the real field $$R$$ or complex field $$C$$). A vector space on F is a set V that is closed under addition $$V\times V \rightarrow V$$ and scalar multiplication $$F \times V \rightarrow V$$. This has the zero element 0.

A Hilbert space is a (finite dimensional) vector space with inner product $$\langle{}\cdot{},\cdot{}\rangle{}: V \times F \rightarrow F$$.

One example are pure states $$|\psi{}\rangle{} \in H$$, with the computational basis defined as $$\{|i\rangle{}\}_{i=0}^{d-1}$$. The inner product is defined $$\langle{}\theta{}|\phi{}\rangle{} \equiv{} \langle{}|\theta{}\rangle{},|\phi{}\rangle{}\rangle{} = \sum_i \overline{\theta}_i \cdot{} \phi_i $$. This is analogous to the matrix representation of dot product between column and row vectors.

Linear operators

Linear operators $$L(V,W)$$ contains all linear maps from V to W.

We can use the unitary to define further:

\begin{align*} \langle{}X,Y\rangle{} &= \sum_i \langle{}Xw_i,Yw_i\rangle{} \\ &= \sum_i \langle{}XUw_i,YUw_i\rangle{} \\ &= \langle{}XU,YU\rangle{} \\ &= \langle{}U^\dagger{}Y^\dagger{},U^\dagger{}X^\dagger{}\rangle{} \\ &= \langle{}Y^\dagger{},UU^\dagger{}X^\dagger{}\rangle{} \\ &= \langle{}Y^\dagger{},X^\dagger{}\rangle{} \end{align*}

Week 1.1 Administrative

A list of names of students in the class. Scribing for lecture notes and a final exam.