
Solved a small problem I had today... iPhone seems to not like to cooperate, especially when it comes to grabbing photos off it without iTunes. Not anymore!

Some quick comparisons between remote streaming solutions:

I have a couple of routers that can function as AP sitting around in my house, but they have different SSIDs. One way is to setup a mesh network (i.e. routers acting as wireless repeaters), but this potentially chews through 50% throughput if the same channels are used for the backhaul as well.

Another way is to use "Seamless Roaming". More details ported to a dedicated Wifi page!


To submit a pull request for fixing inc/Manifest.php to align to the favicons guide.

diff --git a/inc/Manifest.php.bak b/inc/Manifest.php
index 29e7f26..e358109 100644
--- a/inc/Manifest.php.bak
+++ b/inc/Manifest.php
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ class Manifest
         if (empty($manifest['icons'])) {
             $manifest['icons'] = [];
-            if (file_exists(mediaFN(':wiki:favicon.ico'))) {
-                $url = ml(':wiki:favicon.ico', '', true, '', true);
+            if (file_exists(mediaFN(':favicon.ico'))) {
+                $url = ml(':favicon.ico', '', true, '', true);
                 $manifest['icons'][] = [
                     'src' => $url,
                     'sizes' => '16x16',

A small note on the favicon resolution requirements as well:

# 256 seems to have better compression ratios than 128, probably because the original filesize is 500x500px
user:~$ convert image.png -define icon:auto-resize=256,48,32,16 favicon.ico

A small bug in the autologoff as well:

  3     public function usertime() {
  2         global $INFO;
  1         global $auth;
71          if(!($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] ?? false)) return 0;
  1         ...
  2     }

Archived 2024-01-18