sudo timedatectl list-timezones
sudo timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Singapore


Login shells:

Virtual host folder:

x11 forwarding:

Now I have a ton of system stuff on the server as a result of the testing earlier with apt install atom...


# Double y-axes
set key autotitle columnhead  # use first line as column title
set ytics autofreq tc lt 1
set y2tics autofreq tc lt 2
plot "data.txt" using 1 w l linetype 1, "" using 2 w l linetype 2 axes x1y2
# Multiplot
set multiplot layout 4,1 rowsfirst  # 4 rows, 1 column
set yrange [200:450]
plot "long_term_trend.txt" using 1 w l
set yrange [350000:430000]
plot "long_term_trend.txt" using 3 w l
set yrange [28.9:29.1]
plot "long_term_trend.txt" using 4 w l
set yrange [41.9:42.1]
plot "long_term_trend.txt" using 5 w l
unset multiplot

See this for a more detailed guide.