- 2023-12-22: Init for Ubuntu 22.04
Someone very helpfully reverse engineered the compiled .NET DLL for the Wireless@SG on Windows. The writeup is here, while the small Python script for connection is found here.
user:~$ git clone git@github.com:zerotypic/wasg-register.git user:~$ cd wasg-register user:~$ pip3 install -r requirements # pycryptodome & requests user:~$ python3 wasg-register.py 65{{phone number}} {{DOB in DDMMYYYY format}} OTP will be sent to mobile phone number 65XXXXXXXX Enter OTP to continue: XXXXXX Credentials: ssid = Wireless@SGx eap = PEAP phase2-auth = MSCHAPv2 identity = essa-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX@singtel-wsg password = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Then as per usual, the GUI example shown here:
kb/internet/connectivity/wireless_sg.txt · Last modified: 14 months ago (22 December 2023) by justin