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  • 2024-12-24: Init

Not specifically project management, but for asset management (so still somewhat tangential). Previously went with Inventree, but I'm not the target user since the software is geared more towards electronic components, and for actual inventory management on the order of 100s of components and suppliers. I need only order 10s of hardware devices.

Some disambiguation between the different classes of objects:

  • Assets must be uniquely tagged (auto-incrementing) with a model/serial under a specific category. Can be checked out to users or other assets.
  • Accessories are lower-classed citizens compared to Assets, and can only be checked out to users.
  • Consumables are consumables.
  • Components are assumed to have a fixed storage location (otherwise one should create a new line item) and can only be checked out to Assets.
    • The serial numbers are generally ignored, so part specific issues need to be documented under the component notes.

Assets screenshots

Accessory screenshots

Consumables screenshots

Component screenshots

After looking through, for a small homelab with a single user and less than 100 computers spread out over less than 5 locations, and no need to manage consumables and asset tags and check-in/out items... probably not worth it to run an additional service (app + db + proxy). Excel/Google Sheets is probably the way to go :)


Some installation instructions for posterity:

  • Pull the docker-compose.yml file and .env file from the Github repo.
  • Run docker compose run --rm app php artisan key:generate --show and populate APP_KEY in the env file.
  • Rename APP_URL (with the appropriate HTTP scheme), as well as DB_PASSWORD and MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD.
  • Profit!
kb/intranet/services/project/snipeit/start.txt · Last modified: 9 weeks ago (24 December 2024) by justin