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Just Docker stuff

For aliasing docker-compose to docker compose (src):

user:~$ echo 'docker compose --compatibility "$@"' | sudo tee -a /usr/local/bin/docker-compose && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose


  • Remove all stopped containers: docker container prune

Configuring default address pool

The Docker daemon pulls a /16 address space for each automatic network setup, starting from until it starts eating into the address space /20 at a time as well1). This may conflict with any internal subnets associated with your network, especially if the subnets are not under your control2).

To mitigate this problem, use an unused address range and also reduce the number of addresses per network, by configuring3) the Docker daemon:

  "default-address-pools": [
    { "base": "", "size": 26 }

The base corresponds to the address pool, and the size denotes the size of each subnet (also in CIDR notation). I would think it would be strange to have:

  • More than 64 hosts (especially in a non-HA setting, and without network segmentation)
  • More than 64 groups of services on a single server (unless your electrical bill is through the roof :p)

Both would correspond to 6-bits, so size should have a prefix length of 26 and base a length of 20. Roll two 8-bit numbers from the random number generator to fill in the second and third bytes of the address space (rolled 134 and 18 in the example above). Then prune existing Docker networks (after tearing down the services) and restart the daemon:

user:~$ ip r dev docker0 proto kernel scope link src linkdown dev br-24af806f6a7d proto kernel scope link src linkdown dev br-cf60abcce4eb proto kernel scope link src linkdown
user:~$ docker network prune
user:~$ systemctl restart docker
user:~$ ip r dev docker0 proto kernel scope link src linkdown


One can keep a container running in the background, e.g. to run commands, debug. In the event of malformed entrypoint, the entrypoint can be replaced with a simple shell.

user:~$ docker run --rm --entrypoint "/bin/sh" ${IMAGE}
Reddit quote, and a more throughly written up guide
I was bitten by this at my workplace due to the internal services being hosted on
reading the documentation reminded me again of how difficult it is for new users to navigate it - and the default-address-pools option is only spared a single CLI description...
kb/intranet/software/docker/start.txt · Last modified: 2 weeks ago ( 6 February 2025) by justin