- 2023-11-18: Init for Ubuntu 22.04
How it works
A common method is to simply install the full TeXLive distribution for out-of-the-box functionality.
user:~$ sudo apt install texlive-full
and you're done! Takes about 6 GB of space. Can use MikTeX as an alternative distribution, but this will be a tad more hands-on (including installing of additional packages).
user:~$ latexmk -pdf main.tex
Make sure the TeXLive manager directory for usermode is initialized first, and the associated TeX Directory Structure (TDS)-conformant directory for packages.
user:~$ tlmgr init-usertree user:~$ mkdir -p ~/texmf/{tex/latex,source}
Packages cannot be installed using tlmgr
directly from CTAN. Instead, we pull from the CTAN source, and compile them. Wikibooks has a partial guide, but does not seem too updated.
Project structure
Paper (2023-11-18)
├─ build │ └─ main.pdf │ ├─ includes │ ├─ bibliography │ │ └─ *.bib # bibliography data │ ├─ preamble │ │ ├─ base.tex # base package imports │ │ ├─ drafting.tex # shortcuts for temporary scaffolding │ │ └─ shortcuts.tex # additional project-wide shortcuts │ └─ *section.tex # sections to be imported into main.tex │ ├─ static │ ├─ resources │ │ └─ templates/ # journal LaTeX templates │ ├─ data │ │ └─ FIGURE/ # shared data for figure replication │ └─ figures │ ├─ *FIGURE # scripts for figure generation │ │ ├─ generate │ │ │ ├─ FIGURE.py │ │ │ └─ FIGURE.mplstyle │ │ └─ figure.eps │ ├─ base.mplstyle # base style for matplotlib │ ├─ onecol.mplstyle # add figsize for single column diagrams │ └─ twocol.mplstyle │ ├─ .gitignore ├─ .svnignore ├─ main.tex # main text └─ Makefile
kb/intranet/software/latex/start.txt · Last modified: 15 months ago (22 November 2023) by justin