Interfacing with Zotero
- 2024-08-09: Init
Two methods of talking to Zotero, either via the web API to "api.zotero.org", or via the local client.
A quick summary regarding the Zotero model, and how to interface with it:
- Zotero loads a HTTP server running by default on, open by the main Zotero application.
- Zotero Connector (as a browser extension) talks to the server at different endpoints (full list of endpoints in the source code, and of interest may be the server itself that handles the requests).
The readme specified in Zotero connectors is very useful in giving a better overview. Zotero Better Bibtex also allows RPC using JSON.
- LibreOffice also has a dedicated server to talk to using a wire protocol, exposed at
Proxy link: https://www-nature-com.libproxy1.nus.edu.sg/articles/d41586-024-02392-8.pdf
kb/intranet/software/zotero/interface.txt · Last modified: 7 months ago ( 9 August 2024) by justin