This is an old revision of the document!
Bookmarking customization.
For Ubuntu 22+ installation (updated 2023-11-07):
- Download the binaries and extract to
. Note the permissions so that it can self-update. - Run
to link installation directory. - Link the
file to~/.local/share/applications/
- May need to manually link MIME type, if not restarting:
# Update database user:$ update-mime-database ~/.local/share/mime user:$ update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications user:$ gio mime x-scheme-handler/zotero Default application for “x-scheme-handler/zotero”: zotero.desktop Registered applications: zotero.desktop Recommended applications: zotero.desktop # Test link opening user:$ xdg-open "zotero://select/library/items/PWJZFU2X"
See this for Zotero scheme link debugging.
A collection of useful plugins:
- Zutilo
- PDF Preview (make sure to install v0.3.7 for Zotero 6)
Compatible with Zotero 7:
import re import tqdm from pyzotero import zotero # Get credentials from https://www.zotero.org/settings/keys library_id = "CHANGEME" api_key = "CHANGEME" library_type = "user" # personal library zot = zotero.Zotero(library_id, library_type, api_key) # My user-defined tags will either only be pure emoji, or include : pattern = re.compile("^[A-Za-z0-9][^:]*$") tags = zot.everything(zot.tags()) to_remove = [tag for tag in tags if pattern.search(tag) is not None] batch_size = 50 for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(len(to_remove)//batch_size + 1)): to_remove_now = to_remove[i*batch_size : (i+1)*batch_size] zot.delete_tags(*to_remove_now)
Action script for Zotero link (Copy link, Ctrl+Shift+C shortcut):
// @author windingwind, garth74 // @link https://github.com/windingwind/zotero-actions-tags/discussions/115 // @usage Select an item in the library and press the assigned shortcut keys // @update Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:10:18 GMT (by new Date().toGMTString()) // EDIT THESE SETTINGS /** @type {string} Name of the field to use as the link text. To use the citation key, set this to "citationKey". */ let linkTextField = "title"; /** @type {'html' | 'md' | 'plain' | 'dokuwiki'} What type of link to create. */ let linkType = "dokuwiki"; /** @type {boolean} If true, make the link specific to the currently selected collection. */ let useColl = false; /** @type {boolean} If true, use Better Notes zotero://note link when the selected item is a note. */ let useNoteLink = false; /** @type {'select' | 'open-pdf' | 'auto'} Action of link*/ let linkAction = "auto"; // auto = open-pdf for PDFs and annotations, select for everything else // END OF EDITABLE SETTINGS // For efficiency, only execute once for all selected items if (item) return; item = items[0]; if (!item && !collection) return "[Copy Zotero Link] item is empty"; if (collection) { linkAction = "select"; useColl = true; } if (linkAction === "auto") { if (item.isPDFAttachment() || item.isAnnotation()) { linkAction = "open-pdf"; } else { linkAction = "select"; } } const uriParts = []; let uriParams = ""; let targetItem = item; if (linkAction === "open-pdf") { uriParts.push("zotero://open-pdf"); if (item.isRegularItem()) { targetItem = (await item.getBestAttachments()).find((att) => att.isPDFAttachment() ); } else if (item.isAnnotation()) { targetItem = item.parentItem; // If the item is an annotation, we want to open the PDF at the page of the annotation let pageIndex = 1; try { pageIndex = JSON.parse(item.annotationPosition).pageIndex + 1; } catch (e) { Zotero.warn(e); } uriParams = `?page=${pageIndex}&annotation=${item.key}`; } } else { uriParts.push("zotero://select"); if (item?.isAnnotation()) { targetItem = item.parentItem; } } if (!targetItem && !collection) return "[Copy Zotero Link] item is invalid"; // Get the link text using the `link_text_field` argument let linkText; if (collection) { // When `collection` is truthy, this script was triggered in the collection menu. // Use collection name if this is a collection link linkText = collection.name; } else if (item.isAttachment()) { // Try to use top-level item for link text linkText = Zotero.Items.getTopLevel([item])[0].getField(linkTextField); } else if (item.isAnnotation()) { // Add the annotation text to the link text linkText = `${targetItem.getField(linkTextField)}(${ item.annotationComment || item.annotationText || "annotation" })`; } else { // Use the item's field linkText = item.getField(linkTextField); } // Add the library or group URI part (collection must go first) let libraryType = (collection || item).library.libraryType; if (libraryType === "user") { uriParts.push("library"); } else { uriParts.push( `groups/${Zotero.Libraries.get((collection || item).libraryID).groupID}` ); } // If useColl, make the link collection specific if (useColl) { // see https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/73893/zotero-select-for-collections let coll = collection || Zotero.getActiveZoteroPane().getSelectedCollection(); // It's possible that a collection isn't selected. When that's the case, // this will fall back to the typical library behavior. // If a collection is selected, add the collections URI part if (!!coll) uriParts.push(`collections/${coll.key}`); } if (!collection) { // Add the item URI part uriParts.push(`items/${targetItem.key}`); } // Join the parts together let uri = uriParts.join("/"); // Add the URI parameters if (uriParams) { uri += uriParams; } if (useNoteLink && item?.isNote() && Zotero.BetterNotes) { uri = Zotero.BetterNotes.api.convert.note2link(item); } // Format the link and copy it to the clipboard const clipboard = new Zotero.ActionsTags.api.utils.ClipboardHelper(); if (linkType == "html") { clipboard.addText(`<a href="${uri}">${linkText}</a>`, "text/unicode"); } else if (linkType == "dokuwiki") { clipboard.addText(`[[${uri}|${linkText}]]`, "text/unicode"); } else if (linkType == "md") { clipboard.addText(`[${linkText}](${uri})`, "text/unicode"); } else { clipboard.addText(uri, "text/unicode"); } clipboard.copy(); return `[Copy Zotero Link] link ${uri} copied.`;
Useful place to get Zotero Javascript API: https://github.com/zotero/zotero/tree/main/chrome/content/zotero/xpcom/data
kb/intranet/software/zotero/start.1739274385.txt.gz · Last modified: 4 weeks ago (11 February 2025) by justin